WHO Meeting Amidst the Rise of the Nu Variant Underscores Failing Vaccination Strategy

About the Trump policy of “test, test, test”

The testing infrastructure was dismantled in the United States.  That was a Trump policy of “test, test, test” then it suddenly stopped.  Just this week reporters blew open the story that policy makers advised against testing asymptomatic people.

In schools, do they perform contact tracing when a student is sick?  Do they test for the type of variant?  Government dollars no longer support testing and it’s a barren landscape in testing with few players left in the game.

Without adequate testing, it is difficult for scientists to know what society is up against, and it is much more difficult for policymakers to make rational, informed decisions. That lack of testing spilled over to breakthrough infection reporting where the number of cases were skewed to only report hospitalizations. Not compiling this data [disguised] the waning immunity of the vaccines.

In mid May the Delta Variant cases exploded and became dominant in about 2.5 months.  Looking at this chart,

the trajectory on the Nu variant is closer to 30 days.  Without a testing infrastructure, once it hits our shores, we have nothing to contain it and it’s probably already here.  The surge in Michigan and unconfirmed reports of very high percentages of breakthrough infections could be explained by the Nu variant.

Not sure where to go with this. It’s tentatively a case for organized widespread testing, part of an exhaustive (as I see it) coverage by Zero Hedge . . .

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